Mighty Studios
Mighty Studios

Why Branding in Business is Vital Today

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Mighty Studios offers a one-stop-shop for product design and its branding

In today’s competitive business landscape, the right branding makes a compelling difference in growing sales and revenues. According to Kristopher Jones, design expert and contributing writer for Forbes online, “Businesses need to go the extra mile of ensuring they stand out in a crowd. To do this, you should invest in creating a strong brand that will get and keep people’s attention”1

Part of branding is quickly identifying a company’s product or service by its logo, slogan, or tagline. For example, Nike’s “just do it!” tagline—originally created in 1988 to accompany Nike’s first major television campaign— still resonates with consumers today as does its swoosh logo. “The Nike swoosh symbol is one of the world’s simplest but most effective branding visuals,” according to a blogpost on logomyway.“ Along with athletes and sports followers, millennials like buying products bearing the Nike logo. In fact, 62% of the sports shoe market belongs to Nike.”2

While branding has always been an important component of business, it is absolutely vital today because of the pervasive influence of social media, where consumers get exposed to new brands every day. “This can be great for consumers who have plenty of options and are able to do research to find the best one, but it makes it harder for businesses,” states the Forbes blog3.

If even large, well-established businesses experience challenges in capturing consumers’ interest, attention, and ultimately, purchases, what options do start-ups have to launch their new products and build their brand?

Mighty Studios: A One-Stop-Design Shop That Builds Lasting Brands

Fortunately, businesses—Fortune 500 companies as well as startups—can turn to a firm like Mighty Studios: A San Jose-based one-stop shop for not only designing an actual product but also creating the pivotal brand identity that accompanies a new product launch.

A recent example of Mighty Studio’s one-stop-shop design capabilities is the ZUMY™ project. For a startup company, Brightside Innovations, Mighty designed a portable USB-powered LED collapsible light to enhance brightness during Zoom meetings. This handy device, which contains four brightness levels, conveniently clips on a laptop.

After developing the ZUMY product, Mighty’s design team created a new website, a vibrant new logo, and a comprehensive Brand Guidelines book to ensure consistency in all ZUMY’s marketing collateral including ads, product briefings, social media posts, and other promotional material. “We believe that good design should be synonymous with good business, explains Founder-Director Tark Abed. “We understand ROI, cash preservation, and time to market. “Fortunately, we move fast and make aggressive decisions to get a company’s product on the shelves or simply to the next funding milestone.”

Such skill and commitment are big advantages in building and maintaining a standout brand.


1 Kristopher Jones, “The Importance of Branding in Business,” March 24, 2021, Forbes, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2021/03/24/the-importance-of-branding-in-business/?sh=658909e267f7

2 Post on https://blog.logomyway.com/nike-logo/

3 Kristopher Jones

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